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How to setup an empty password for a MySQL connection pool in glassfish 4 from the GUI?

Im being unable to set an empty password for a MySQL connection pool from the GUI in glassfish 4. In previous versions of glassfish it used to work by simply putting "()" without the quotes. It doesnt work anymore for me in glassfish 4.

By the way, I've been googling my issue with any luck.

Does anyone know what is the proper way to do it in glassfish 4?

Thanks in advance for you support


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Juan Avatar asked Sep 16 '13 20:09


1 Answers

What I did to fix this was to manually in /glassfish/domains/(yourDomainName)/domain.xml add the following property to the connection pool:

 <property name="password" value=""></property>

Remember to restart Glassfish after the change has been made.

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Full-Fledged Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10
