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How to set up strong-mode Dart Analyzer in Webstorm?

In my Dart yaml file I have

  strong-mode: true

but it doesn't do anything. I also added the analyzer:

   analyzer: any
   browser: ^0.10.0
   polymer: ^1.0.0-rc.16
   polymer_elements: ^1.0.0-rc.8

I'm missing something (brain I reckon). What is it please?



like image 976
Lymp Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 17:04


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1 Answers

Add a file analysis_options.yaml (.analysis_options old) in the directory where your pubspec.yaml is.


  strong-mode: true

or if you also want to disable implicit-casts and/or implicit-dynamic

    implicit-casts: false
    implicit-dynamic: false

You can also enable additional linter rules

    - always_declare_return_types

For all supported linter rules see http://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/ and Suppress hint about use of protected member

See also https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/analysis-options

like image 187
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Günter Zöchbauer