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How to set up Spring Security SecurityContextHolder strategy?

I'm using asynchronous methods in my service (Spring 3 @Async annotation). And I've got a problem - spawned thread doesn't have security context. Cause of it is Spring Security by default uses SecurityContextHolder.MODE_THREADLOCAL strategy for its context holder. But I need to use SecurityContextHolder.MODE_INHERITABLETHREADLOCAL strategy. For the moment I set up strategy in my AuthenticationSuccessHandler. But in my point of view it's not a good practice.

So how can I set it up in context configuration file?
Version of spring security is 3.0.0.

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viator Avatar asked Aug 12 '10 13:08


People also ask

How do I set authentication in SecurityContextHolder?

To, let's manually trigger authentication and then set the resulting Authentication object into the current SecurityContext used by the framework to hold the currently logged-in user: UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authReq = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, pass); Authentication auth = authManager.

How does a SecurityContextHolder work?

The SecurityContextHolder is a helper class, which provide access to the security context. By default, it uses a ThreadLocal object to store security context, which means that the security context is always available to methods in the same thread of execution, even if you don't pass the SecurityContext object around.

What is SecurityContextHolder getContext () getAuthentication ()?

The HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() will return the result of SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() . This means it is an Authentication which is typically an instance of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken when using username and password based authentication.

2 Answers

You can set the environment variable spring.security.strategy to MODE_INHERITABLETHREADLOCAL. You could also have a simple bean that during your web applications startup calls SecurityContextHolder.setStrategyName(SecurityContextHolder.MODE_INHERITABLETHREADLOCAL) and initialize that value in your context configuration file.

SecurityContextHolder API

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Gandalf Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 13:11


The java config for @viator 's answer if it helps you.

@Bean public MethodInvokingFactoryBean methodInvokingFactoryBean() {     MethodInvokingFactoryBean methodInvokingFactoryBean = new MethodInvokingFactoryBean();     methodInvokingFactoryBean.setTargetClass(SecurityContextHolder.class);     methodInvokingFactoryBean.setTargetMethod("setStrategyName");     methodInvokingFactoryBean.setArguments(new String[]{SecurityContextHolder.MODE_INHERITABLETHREADLOCAL});     return methodInvokingFactoryBean; } 
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Matt Broekhuis Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

Matt Broekhuis