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How to set up an independent progress bar





I'm trying to include a progress bar during the computations in my shiny application. Description of my problem:

  • My computation takes a while, like 30 seconds
  • I'm able to evaluate in advance the exact time a computation will take
  • however, the computation is in one chunk, not splitable in small parts that I could use to manually increment the progress bar, think of it as a large model fitting process.

Currently there are some questions related to the problem but no satisfying answer: here, here for instance.

Is there a way to implement an bar that progresses on top of a calculation, independently and continuously, for a fixed amount of time (or maybe insert an animation of the bar in a pop-up that mimics the bar?)


Edit: I tried to mimic a progress bar with an animated sliderInput, but I couldn't find how programmatically trigger the animation...

like image 432
agenis Avatar asked Dec 08 '17 12:12


People also ask

What are the different types of progress bars?

There are 2 types of progress bars: determinate and indeterminate. The former is used when the amount of information that needs to be loaded is detectable. The latter is used when the system is unsure how much needs to be loaded or how long it will take.

1 Answers

I think this would be a lot easier when Shiny releases its async support. But for now, it'd have to be a custom, client-side JavaScript solution.

My take on it uses the same Bootstrap 3 progress bars that Shiny uses. Out of laziness, I also leveraged Shiny's progress bar CSS classes (top bar style), so this will conflict with Shiny's progress bars. Ideally it'd be a widget with its own styles.

I used jQuery's animate to set the width of the progress bar over a fixed duration. animate has some nice options out of the box like easing. I also let the progress bar linger after 100% by default, thinking it'd be better for the server to explicitly close the progress bar in case the timing isn't exact.


progressBarTimer <- function(top = TRUE) {
  progressBar <- div(
    class = "progress progress-striped active",
    # disable Bootstrap's transitions so we can use jQuery.animate
    div(class = "progress-bar", style = "-webkit-transition: none !important;
              transition: none !important;")

  containerClass <- "progress-timer-container"

  if (top) {
    progressBar <- div(class = "shiny-progress", progressBar)
    containerClass <- paste(containerClass, "shiny-progress-container")

        $(function() {
          Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('progress-timer-start', function(message) {
            var $progress = $('.progress-timer-container');
            var $bar = $progress.find('.progress-bar');
            $bar.css('width', '0%');
            $bar.animate({ width: '100%' }, {
              duration: message.duration,
              easing: message.easing,
              complete: function() {
                if (message.autoClose) $progress.fadeOut();

          Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('progress-timer-close', function(message) {
            var $progress = $('.progress-timer-container');

    div(class = containerClass, style = "display: none;", progressBar)

startProgressTimer <- function(durationMsecs = 2000, easing = c("swing", "linear"),
                               autoClose = FALSE, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  easing <- match.arg(easing)
  session$sendCustomMessage("progress-timer-start", list(
    duration = durationMsecs,
    easing = easing,
    autoClose = autoClose

closeProgressTimer <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  session$sendCustomMessage("progress-timer-close", list())

ui <- fluidPage(
  numericInput("seconds", "how many seconds your calculation will last?", value = 6),
  progressBarTimer(top = TRUE),
  actionButton("go", "Compute")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$go, {
    startProgressTimer(input$seconds * 1000, easing = "swing")
    Sys.sleep(input$seconds) # simulate computation
    showNotification("Computation finished!", type = "error")

shinyApp(ui, server)
like image 171
greg L Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

greg L