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How to set up a systemd service to retry 5 times on a cycle of 30 seconds

I want systemd to start a script and retry a maximum of 5 times, 30s apart. Reading the systemd.service manual and searching the Internet didn't produce any obvious answers.

like image 902
jross Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 04:09


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1 Answers

After much trial and error I solved my problem and thought it worth posting here...

To allow a maximum of 5 retries separated by 30 seconds use the following options in the relevant systemd service file.

[Unit] StartLimitInterval=200 StartLimitBurst=5 [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=30 

This worked for me for a service that runs a script using 'Type=idle'. Note that 'StartLimitInterval' must be greater than 'RestartSec * StartLimitBurst' otherwise the service will be restarted indefinitely.

like image 128
jross Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 00:09
