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How to set the environment in a Symfony2 console command



Hopefully a simple question - how does one specify which environment to use when running a console command in Symfony2. I've created a few commands, however I would like to run them in the context of my 'staging' environment when on my staging server and my 'prod' environment when on my production server (the different environments define different database connections). How do I configure and pass this information to my console command?

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Marc Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 22:08


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1 Answers

You have two options that will help you out. You can specify the environment that the console will run in with the --env flag, and use --no-debug to disable debug mode.

php app/console --env=staging your:console:command or php app/console --env=prod your:console:command should do what you're looking for (the console runs in the dev environment with debug on by default).

You can look at the code of the app/console file for more info.

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Derek Stobbe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Derek Stobbe