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How to set the cursor at end in edittext



Whenever i touch the edittext, cursor should be at end.Even if the editText is already having some text and it should not allow to move left awards

 editTextView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
                public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {


                    if(!textFocus) {
                        textFocus = true;

                    return true;

            editTextView.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
                public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
                    textFocus = false;
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Devyani M Avatar asked Sep 20 '16 09:09

Devyani M

People also ask

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setSelection(editText. getText(). length()); This places cursor to end of EditText.

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How do I change the cursor position in EditText? Say in your xml's edittext section, add android:paddingLeft="100dp" This will move your start position of cursor 100dp right from left end. Same way, you can use android:paddingRight="100dp" This will move your end position of cursor 100dp left from right end.

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In android, we can set the text of EditText control either while declaring it in Layout file or by using setText() method in Activity file.

1 Answers

This is helped me. Always when i touch the edittext the cursor will be at the end

editTextView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
                public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                    return true;
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Devyani M Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10

Devyani M