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How to set styles using ExtJS


I wanted to change the styles like color, font size, background, etc of an element or extJS widget using following code but none works:

Ext.get('mydivid').setStyle({.......});     // does not work Ext.get('mydivid').applyStyle({.......});   // does not work Ext.select('mydivid').applyStyle({.......});   // does not work Ext.query('.myclass').applyStyle({.......});   // does not work 

And for extJs widget I tried using Ext.getCmp.

Does anyone know how to change the styles of an html element and extJS widget using extJS and not CSS?

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Sarfraz Avatar asked Mar 20 '11 13:03


People also ask

How to apply style in ExtJS?

Application Styling refers to user adjustment of the look and feel of the components. These adjustments may include: color, color gradients, font, margins/padding, etc. Ext JS 6 has a new way of styling the application. It uses SCSS for styling.

What is the use of ExtJS?

Ext JS is a popular JavaScript framework which provides rich UI for building web applications with cross-browser functionality. Ext JS is basically used for creating desktop applications. It supports all the modern browsers such as IE6+, FF, Chrome, Safari 6+, Opera 12+, etc.

What is CLS ExtJS?

cls: This is applied to the component's root element. Quoting from the docs: An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.

2 Answers

Changing the style of HTML DOM elements is quite easy:


<html>     <head>         <title>Test</title>     </head>     <body>         <div id="el1">Element 1</div>         <div class="el">Element [1]</div>         <div class="el">Element [2]</div>     </body> </html> 


Ext.onReady(function() {     Ext.get('el1').setStyle('color', 'red');     Ext.select('.el').setStyle('color', 'green'); }); 

Ext.query will not work directly as it returns a simple array of found DOM nodes, so you'd have to loop over the result to apply styles. What did you do exactly?

Styling widgets is not that easy unfortunately. Most widgets provide some styling attributes such as cls, ctCls, bodyCls or style but they are applied when rendering the component. To change the style of widgets after rendering you must change the widget's DOM elements directly using the methods above.

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Stefan Gehrig Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Stefan Gehrig

There is typo error in your question:

it is not applyStyle but applyStyles.

applyStyles is method of Ext.Element, you can use it as follows:

var win = new Ext.Window({       width: 200,        height: 200 }); win.show();  win.body.applyStyles({    'background-color':'red',   'border': '1px solid blue' }); 
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Jan Míšek Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Jan Míšek