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How to set style display of an html element in a selenium test?


I get an element like

cv_upload = driver.find_element_by_id('id_cv_upload')

So I want to set its display as inline in python itself.is it possible with python to set the display. I tried

cv_upload.style.display = "inline"

which is showing me error.
One way which is getting into my mind is to use Jquery to change the display and then execute it using driver.execute but unfortunately I am not getting the right syntax to do this. Let me know how to do this (The syntax.) Thanks.

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NIlesh Sharma Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 13:08

NIlesh Sharma

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2 Answers

since you marked jQuery - You can use the css() function to set/get css attributes

like image 89
wirey00 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09


Finally find out the way to set display of an element.


basically using driver.execute_script I am executing a java script for setting the style of an element.

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NIlesh Sharma Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

NIlesh Sharma