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How to set Sqlite3 to be case insensitive when string comparing?

I want to select records from sqlite3 database by string matching. But if I use '=' in the where clause, I found that sqlite3 is case sensitive. Can anyone tell me how to use string comparing case-insensitive?

like image 793
quantity Avatar asked Jun 10 '09 03:06


People also ask

Is SQLite like case insensitive?

Note that SQLite LIKE operator is case-insensitive. It means "A" LIKE "a" is true. However, for Unicode characters that are not in the ASCII ranges, the LIKE operator is case sensitive e.g., "Ä" LIKE "ä" is false.

Is SQLite select case sensitive?

Important Note: SQLite only understands upper/lower case for ASCII characters by default. The LIKE operator is case sensitive by default for unicode characters that are beyond the ASCII range. For example, the expression 'a' LIKE 'A' is TRUE but 'æ' LIKE 'Æ' is FALSE.

How do you do case insensitive comparison in SQL?

To do a case-insensitive comparison, use the ILIKE keyword; e.g., column ILIKE 'aBc' and column ILIKE 'ABC' both return TRUE for 'abc' . In contrast, MySQL and MS SQL Server have case-insensitive behaviors by default. This means WHERE column = 'abc' returns TRUE for e.g., 'abc' , 'ABC' , or 'aBc' .

Is SQLite case sensitive on column name?

Sqlite column names are case-insensitive, according to this.

1 Answers

You can use COLLATE NOCASE in your SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM ... WHERE name = 'someone' COLLATE NOCASE 

Additionaly, in SQLite, you can indicate that a column should be case insensitive when you create the table by specifying collate nocase in the column definition (the other options are binary (the default) and rtrim; see here). You can specify collate nocase when you create an index as well. For example:

 create table Test (   Text_Value  text collate nocase );  insert into Test values ('A'); insert into Test values ('b'); insert into Test values ('C');  create index Test_Text_Value_Index   on Test (Text_Value collate nocase); 

Expressions involving Test.Text_Value should now be case insensitive. For example:

 sqlite> select Text_Value from Test where Text_Value = 'B'; Text_Value       ---------------- b                 sqlite> select Text_Value from Test order by Text_Value; Text_Value       ---------------- A                b                C      sqlite> select Text_Value from Test order by Text_Value desc; Text_Value       ---------------- C                b                A                

The optimiser can also potentially make use of the index for case-insensitive searching and matching on the column. You can check this using the explain SQL command, e.g.:

 sqlite> explain select Text_Value from Test where Text_Value = 'b'; addr              opcode          p1          p2          p3                                ----------------  --------------  ----------  ----------  --------------------------------- 0                 Goto            0           16                                            1                 Integer         0           0                                             2                 OpenRead        1           3           keyinfo(1,NOCASE)                 3                 SetNumColumns   1           2                                             4                 String8         0           0           b                                 5                 IsNull          -1          14                                            6                 MakeRecord      1           0           a                                 7                 MemStore        0           0                                             8                 MoveGe          1           14                                            9                 MemLoad         0           0                                             10                IdxGE           1           14          +                                 11                Column          1           0                                             12                Callback        1           0                                             13                Next            1           9                                             14                Close           1           0                                             15                Halt            0           0                                             16                Transaction     0           0                                             17                VerifyCookie    0           4                                             18                Goto            0           1                                             19                Noop            0           0                                             
like image 191
cheduardo Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10
