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How to set specific property value of all objects in a javascript object array (lodash)

I have following object array:

var arr = [
    id    : "a1",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "abc",
    status: "active"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "def",
    status: "inactive"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "def"

How to set "status" property of each object to "active". So the resulting array will be:

var arr = [
    id    : "a1",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "abc",
    status: "active"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "def",
    status: "active"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",
    value : "def",
    status: "active"

Additionally this should create the property "active" if doesn't exists.

I can do this using for loops. But I'm pretty much sure lodash can do this in one line like:

arr = _.set_property(arr, "status", "active");
like image 508
sith Avatar asked Feb 16 '17 23:02


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1 Answers

You don't need lodash for this.

The first object is missing your status property and it will be added.


IMMUTABLE VERSION (We create a new array using map)

const arrImmutableVersion = arr.map(e => ({...e, status: "active"}));

MUTABLE VERSIONS (We change the original array)

arr.forEach((el)=>{el.status = "active";}) 


arr.forEach(function(el){el.status = "active";}) 

var arr = [
    id    : "a1",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",   
    value : "abc"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",   
    value : "def",
    status: "inactive"
    id    : "a2",
    guid  : "sdfsfd",   
    value : "def",
    status: "active"


// MUTABLE VERSIONS - We change the original array
arr.forEach((el)=>{el.status = "active";}) // ES6
// or
arr.forEach(function(el){el.status = "active";}) 
// IMMUTABLE VERSION - We create a new array using `map`
const arrImmutableVersion = arr.map(e => ({...e, status: "active"})); // ES6

console.log("logging results of object 'arr'");
console.log("logging results of object 'arrImmutableVersion'");
like image 136
Legends Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
