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How to Set required attributes in aws cognito user pool using aws cloudformation template?

Aws cognito console screen

While creating user-pool using cloudformation template i wanted to add the following attributes(marked in the attached image link). I didn't find anything helpful in the AWS documentation.

It allows setting up Alias attributes as said in the aws cloudformation cognito documentation.

Has anybody tried this or has any idea regarding this?

like image 909
Ashish Gaude Avatar asked Sep 19 '17 14:09

Ashish Gaude

People also ask

How do I change the attributes of an Amazon Cognito user pool after creation?

Short description. You can't change standard user pool attributes after a user pool is created. Instead, create a new user pool with the attributes that you want to require for user registration. Then, migrate existing users to the new user pool by using an AWS Lambda function as a user migration trigger.

How do I change user attributes in Cognito?

To update a cognito user's attributes use the admin-update-user-attributes command, specifying the user-pool-id , username and user-attributes parameters.

How do you want to map identity provider attributes to user pool attributes?

In the navigation pane, choose User Pools, and choose the user pool you want to edit. Choose the Sign-in experience tab and locate Federated sign-in. Choose Add an identity provider, or choose the Facebook, Google, Amazon or Apple IdP you have configured. Locate Attribute mapping and choose Edit.

What is sub attribute Cognito?

Cognito sub attributeWhen creating a user Cognito will assign a generated unique IDs (the sub attribute). This attribute cannot be changed and in case you import users from another pool/backup it will change.

Video Answer

2 Answers

I managed to get it done using the schema attribute of the AWS::cognito::UserPool:

"myApiUserPool": {
  "Type": "AWS::Cognito::UserPool",
  "Properties": {
    "AdminCreateUserConfig": {
      "AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": true
    "Schema": [
        "Mutable": false,
        "Name": "email",
        "Required": true
        "Mutable": false,
        "Name": "family_name",
        "Required": true
        "Mutable": false,
        "Name": "name",
        "Required": true
    "AutoVerifiedAttributes": [
    "UserPoolName": {
      "Fn::Sub": "myApiUserPool${envParameter}"
like image 102
Ashish Gaude Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Ashish Gaude

Here is the example with YAML.

Note: you cannot just update a attribute you need to delete the userpool and create it again with the new attributes (just comment out your pool section and redeploy it). Otherwise it will ask for a AttributeDataType, and if you include it, it will create a custom attribute instead of standard one.

  Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool
    # Generate a name based on the stage
    UserPoolName: ${self:custom.stage}-cfp-user-pool
      - phone_number
      - email
      - preferred_username
        MinimumLength: 8
      - Name: email
        Required: true
        Mutable: true
like image 26
Jingyi Wang Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Jingyi Wang