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How to set proxy when using axios to send requests?

I am using a package called 'concurrently' to run my client and server at the same time on localhost. Client runs on port 3000 while server runs on port 5000. I have set proxy in the package.json of server in the following manner:

"proxy": "https://localhost:5000"

But when I make a request from client in the following manner:

    const config = {
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    const res = await axios.post('/api/users', body, config);

It says: POST http://localhost:3000/api/users 404 (Not Found). I don't understand why but despite setting proxy, axios keeps making request to port 3000 instead of port 5000. What is the issue?

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Tarun Khare Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 10:03

Tarun Khare

2 Answers

I just want to say that the solution of adding cors is not a solution. You need to include the proxy "proxy" : "https://localhost:5000" in the package.json, you may need to restart or something or other-- but if you choose to use cors instead, you are allowing anyone to access your API. That means your database is wide open for people to poke around with. Passwords, emails, users, etc. It's all compromised.

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Andre Thompson Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03

Andre Thompson

I got it working correctly. What I did was:

1) change axios.post('/api/users', body, config); to axios.post('http://localhost:5000/api/users', body, config);

2) Then in the 'users' express route on the server side, add CORS functionality by installing 'cors' npm package, and then adding the following lines:

const router = express.Router();
// add these lines
var cors = require('cors');
router.post('/', async (req, res) => {
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Tarun Khare Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03

Tarun Khare