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how to set nicedit uneditable

i'm using nicedit js which is is a WYSIWYG editor in my textarea to view html doc, but it still editable, how to set this nicedit to readonly mode, i try to search from its doc but unable to find it, do any one have experience using nicedit,

thanks in advance

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Apache Avatar asked Nov 26 '10 03:11


4 Answers

Here is a helpful jQuery solution that I use with nicEdit:


You can simply change it back to 'true' to make it editable again.

Note: I would consider toggling the div background-color along with this solution.

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Douglas.Sesar Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 00:11


finally the solution is

var myNicEditor = new nicEditor(); myNicEditor.addInstance('templateContent'); nicEditors.findEditor("templateContent").disable();

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Apache Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 01:11


With the statement nicEditors.findEditor("TextArea").disable(); niceditor is non editable But


does not make it editable again

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rohan Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 02:11


for me only this worked:

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tibi Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 00:11
