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How to set max line length rules in view? (not linting)



I am using Webstorm 7 and want to set a max line length in the view to be 80 and not 120 (as the default ruler is set to).

I've searched all over and the closest I can find is the JSLinter (https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/webhelp/jslint.html) but I cannot seem to see how to actually change the ruler in the IDE.

Question: How do I set the ruler for the line length in Webstorm 7?

like image 783
eb80 Avatar asked Dec 23 '13 17:12


People also ask

How do you set Max Len on Eslint?

This rule has a number or object option: "code" (default 80 ) enforces a maximum line length. "tabWidth" (default 4 ) specifies the character width for tab characters. "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code.

How do you limit a line length in VSCode?

In VSCode, go 'Code -> Preferences -> Settings' and search for "python formatting black args". A few notes about line lengths in Python: PEP8 recommends a line length of 79 characters (72 for docstrings) Black sets line lengths to 88 characters by default.

2 Answers

Settings > Editor > Code style > Hard wrap at [...] columns (default is 120)

like image 169
lena Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09


Quite late to the party and wrong version of Webstorm. But I got sent here by Google and in latest Webstorm (version 10) this option has been moved to Preferences > Editor > Code style - Right margin (columns).

Hope it helps someone.

like image 35
perry Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
