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How to set "full texts" as default for phpMyAdmin?


I am using phpMyAdmin v3.4.10.1deb1 to manage some MySQL-Tables on my Ubuntu-Server with fields that have the SQL-format "TEXT". When those fields are displayed, they are truncated by default. I always have to click on the Symbol "←T→" to expand the texts to their full length. But I don't want to do this click on every single query, because this means, that every query hat do be done twice.

I want that "full texts" is default. But I don't find the place where to set this.

Can you help?

like image 628
Hubert Schölnast Avatar asked Jul 24 '13 13:07

Hubert Schölnast

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2 Answers

I have an option in the phpMyAdmin: Settings > Main Panel > Browse Mode called: Limit column characters where you can change the default limit of characters (50). But I don't believe you can set it to NOT limit by default...

Starting from phpMyAdmin 5, follow the comment below from Alan Dev : Home -> General settings -> More settings -> Main panel -> Browse mode -> Limit column characters

like image 185
Dziad Borowy Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Dziad Borowy

FIRST: Don't change core files if it is not necessary.

To achieve this in PMA version you just have to add this line to your config.inc.php:

if ( !isset($_REQUEST['pftext'])) $_REQUEST['pftext'] = 'F'; 

This will always set the results to FULL TEXT per default, and you can switch over if you need to partial

like image 23
Greg Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
