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How to Set Focus on Input Field using JQuery




People also ask

How can input focus in jQuery?

Using jQuery With jQuery, you can use the . focus() method to trigger the “focus” JavaScript event on an element. This method is a shortcut for . trigger("focus") method.

How do you focus an input element on page load?

The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that an <input> element should automatically get focus when the page loads.

What is focus function in jQuery?

jQuery focus() Method The focus event occurs when an element gets focus (when selected by a mouse click or by "tab-navigating" to it). The focus() method triggers the focus event, or attaches a function to run when a focus event occurs. Tip: This method is often used together with the blur() method.

Try this, to set the focus to the first input field:


If the input happens to be in a bootstrap modal dialog, the answer is different. Copying from How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown this is what is required:

$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {

Justin's answer did not work for me (Chromium 18, Firefox 43.0.1). jQuery's .focus() creates visual highlight, but text cursor does not appear in the field (jquery 3.1.0).

Inspired by https://www.sitepoint.com/jqueryhtml5-input-focus-cursor-positions/ , I added autofocus attribute to the input field and voila!

function addfield() {
    n=$('table tr').length;
    $('table').append('<tr><td><input name=field'+n+' autofocus></td><td><input name=value'+n+'></td></tr>');