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How to set ENV var in Heroku preview app postdeploy script

I want to set the HOST env var to $HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapps.com on a preview app. It doesn't look like I can do this in app.json since this is a computed value.

I was hoping to do it in a "postdeploy" script like this

heroku config:set HOST="`heroku config:get HEROKU_APP_NAME -a neon-dev-pr-520`.herokuapps.com"

but it wants to authenticate me as a Heroku user. Alas, this doesn't work either:

export HOST=$HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapps.com

Any suggestions?

like image 572
Chris Beck Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 21:12

Chris Beck

People also ask

Does Heroku read .ENV file?

Heroku Local is a command-line tool to run Procfile-backed apps. It is installed automatically as part of the Heroku CLI. Heroku Local reads configuration variables from a . env file.

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Heroku's environment variables are called config vars. To set a config var, navigate to the Settings tab of your app's dashboard, and click Reveal Config Vars.

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All heroku config vars will be environment variables, which, in linux environments, can only be strings. So all your variables will be strings once in your app.

1 Answers

Worked out with the assistance of Heroku's awesome support team a few years ago. We needed to set a reflexive environment variable for a middleware (parse-server) to know what to connect to. It's set manually on our Staging and Production apps, but to get it set on our review apps:

My app.json incldues:

  "scripts": {
    "postdeploy": "bin/bootstrap"
  "env": {
      "required": true
      "required": true

bin/bootstrap is:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export SERVER_URL=https://$HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapp.com/parse

SERVER_URL is available (and correct) in my review apps. It's been 👍no problems since we implemented.

like image 97
woodardj Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
