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How to set default localization for iOS app


I'm developing app for Russian-speaking people. A lot of countries near Russia have the second language - Russian. My app has two localizations: Russian and English. And I need to set Russian localization like default. English should be only for people who use English like device's language.

I know that Apple recommends to use localization in priority of preferred languages in settings but I have an important reason to don't follow this recommendation.

How can I set Russian localization like default?

like image 558
12pm Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 15:01


People also ask

How do I localize my iOS app?

Select your root project file, and then proceed to the project panel. Find the Localization section section, click the “plus” (+) icon, and add the desired languages. Select only the Localizable. strings file for localization.

How do I change the default language in iOS apps?

In the Apple Settings app, open the settings of the specific app, and select the language under "Preferred Language". You can select from the languages that the app supports.

What is Localisation in iOS?

Localization is the process of making your app support other languages. In many cases, you make your app with English user interface first and then localize the app to other languages such as Japanese. The process of localization is tedious, and steps of it change little by little as XCode gets updated.

How do you implement localization in iOS Swift?

Click on iOS->App/Single View App->Next. Name your project and select the language as Swift. Select a desired location and click on Create. To start with Localization, click on your Project Name -> go to Info Tab -> Under Localizations, click on the '+' button.

1 Answers

I think you need to use the Localization native development region key in your info.plist file.

enter image description here

like image 157
Laszlo Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10
