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How to set Date and time format in IIS 7



I have date format in my local machine : (d/M/yyyy h:mm tt) ==> (23/6/2011 4:30 PM)

when i publish my website on IIS server it converts date format to (M/d/yyyy H:mm)

i changed the date and time formats of the server but it's not affected . i changed the culture of the website to English US time format solved but date not. (M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt) i changed the culture of the website to English UK date format solved but time not. (d/MM/yyyy H:mm)

what is the solution to make it's format like my local format ???!!!

like image 795
Nader El Masry Avatar asked Jun 26 '11 12:06

Nader El Masry

People also ask

How do I change the date format on a server?

Open Control Panel, and then click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options. Click Regional and Language Options. On the Regional Options tab, click Customize. On the Date tab, next to Short date format, select a short date format.

How do I change the date format in Visual Studio 2017?

In "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Region and Language", on the "Formats" tab, click "Additional settings..." button.

1 Answers

- Open IIS 7 - Select your website - Open .NET GLOBALIZATION - From Culture tab, select required Culture and UI Culture. - Do iisreset 
like image 83
Dmitry Pavlov Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09

Dmitry Pavlov