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How to set browser window size larger than the screen resolution in Windows XP?

I would like to set browser size (mainly width) larger than the screen resolution in Windows XP. It looks like there is no easy way of dragging the browser window and resizing it. It resizes to maximum width and height of the actual screen, but no larger.

I need to check and test some webpages on large screens, but I have only a small notebook of my own. Is there a way how to accomplish a larger browser window? Preferrably in Chrome, but any browser in Windows will do.

like image 833
Frodik Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 19:08


People also ask

How do I make my Windows XP screen fit my monitor?

Double-click "Display." Click the "Settings" tab. Drag the slider under Screen Resolution to the left to reduce the screen size.

How do I make Chrome fit my screen?

Press the F11 key to put the browser into full-screen mode. The Web page fits the entire screen. Press the F11 key at any time to exit full-screen mode.

Video Answer

1 Answers

This problem can be solved in two ways: -

1. Universal browser solution

  1. Create a dummy html page
  2. Add an iframe to its body with the width and height attributes set to the desired dimension
  3. Set the iframe's src attribute to the page you want to test

2. Individual browser's developer tools


  1. Open the developer tools using Ctrl + Shift + i
  2. Click the second button top left that looks like a mobile phone
  3. Drag the width to the desired width and refresh the page (F5)

Internet Explorer

  1. Press F12
  2. Go to the emulation tab
  3. Change the resolution dropdown to the desired resolution
  4. Reduce the height of the developer tools bar until the horizontal scrollbars appear


  1. Open the developer tools using Ctrl + Shift + i
  2. Press the third icon in the icons on the top right of the developer tools called "Responsive Design Mode"
  3. Choose the resolution in the top left dropdown selector on the top left of the webpage viewport.
like image 146
Ben Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
