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How to set an environment variable in Amazon EC2

I created a tag on the AWS console for one of my EC2 instances.

enter image description here

However, when I look on the server, no such environment variable is set.

The same thing works with elastic beanstalk. env shows the tags I created on the console.

$ env

How can I set environment variables in Amazon EC2?

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PJ Bergeron Avatar asked Feb 21 '15 08:02

PJ Bergeron

People also ask

How do I add an environment variable in AWS?

To set environment variablesSign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console . In the Amplify console, choose App Settings, and then choose Environment variables. In the Environment variables section, choose Manage variables. In the Manage variables section, under Variable, enter your key.

How do I set environment variables?

On the Windows taskbar, right-click the Windows icon and select System. In the Settings window, under Related Settings, click Advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables. Click New to create a new environment variable.

What is environment variable in AWS?

PDFRSS. Environment variables provide another way to specify configuration options and credentials, and can be useful for scripting or temporarily setting a named profile as the default.

4 Answers

You can retrieve this information from the meta data and then run your own set environment commands.

You can get the instance-id from the meta data (see here for details: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html#instancedata-data-retrieval)


Then you can call the describe-tags using the pre-installed AWS CLI (or install it on your AMI)

aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=i-5f4e3d2a" "Name=Value,Values=DB_PORT" 

Then you can use OS set environment variable command

export DB_PORT=/what/you/got/from/the/previous/call 

You can run all that in your user-data script. See here for details: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/user-data.html

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Guy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10


Lately, it seems AWS Parameter Store is a better solution.

Now there is even a secrets manager which auto manages sensitive configurations as database keys and such..

See this script using SSM Parameter Store based of the previous solutions by Guy and PJ Bergeron.


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dlz21 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10


I used a combination of the following tools:

  • Install jq library (sudo apt-get install -y jq)
  • Install the EC2 Instance Metadata Query Tool

Here's the gist of the code below in case I update it in the future: https://gist.github.com/marcellodesales/a890b8ca240403187269

# Author: Marcello de Sales ([email protected])
# Description: Create Create Environment Variables in EC2 Hosts from EC2 Host Tags
### Requirements:  
# * Install jq library (sudo apt-get install -y jq)
# * Install the EC2 Instance Metadata Query Tool (http://aws.amazon.com/code/1825)
### Installation:
# * Add the Policy EC2:DescribeTags to a User
# * aws configure
# * Souce it to the user's ~/.profile that has permissions
# REboot and verify the result of $(env).

# Loads the Tags from the current instance
getInstanceTags () {
  # http://aws.amazon.com/code/1825 EC2 Instance Metadata Query Tool
  INSTANCE_ID=$(./ec2-metadata | grep instance-id | awk '{print $2}')

  # Describe the tags of this instance
  aws ec2 describe-tags --region sa-east-1 --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID"

# Convert the tags to environment variables.
# Based on https://github.com/berpj/ec2-tags-env/pull/1
tags_to_env () {

    for key in $(echo $tags | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][].Key"); do
        value=$(echo $tags | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][] | select(.Key==\"$key\") | .Value")
        key=$(echo $key | /usr/bin/tr '-' '_' | /usr/bin/tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
        echo "Exporting $key=$value"
        export $key="$value"

# Execute the commands
tags_to_env "$instanceTags"
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Marcello de Sales Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10

Marcello de Sales

If you are using linux or mac os for your ec2 instance then,

Go to your root directory and write command:

vim .bash_profile

You can see your bash_profile file and now press 'i' for inserting a lines, then add

export DB_PORT="5432"

After adding this line you need to save file, so press 'Esc' button then press ':' and after colon write 'w' it will save the file without exiting.

For exit, again press ':' after that write 'quit' and now you are exit from the file. To check that your environment variable is set or not write below commands:

>>>import os
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Apurv Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
