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How to set AJAX response to jquery data table columns?

Can anyone tell me how to set the response to jquery data to each table columns.

Here is my javascript code:

$(document).ready (function() {
    url: 'userController?action=list',
    success : function(response) {
        var jsonObject = $.parseJSON(response); 
        $('#usertable').dataTable( {
            data : jsonObject,
            columns: [
                      {'jsonObject' : 'UserId'},
                      {'jsonObject' : 'Password'},
                      {'jsonObject' : 'Level'},               
            searching : false

Here the response in String and the response is {"UserId" : "Manohar", "Password" : "1234", "Level" : "lev"}.

Below is the jsp page.

<table id="usertable">
        <th>User Id</th>

I have written the above and neither I am getting error nor the row is added to table. Can you guys help me in this?

like image 223
manohar e Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 08:07

manohar e

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Description. DataTables can obtain the data that it is to display in the table body from a number of sources, including from an Ajax data source, using this initialisation parameter. As with other dynamic data sources, arrays or objects can be used for the data source for each row, with columns.

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1 Answers

Here the solution is to change the response. Earlier it was {"userid":"manohar", "password":"1234"}, now I have changed it to [["manohar", "1234"]]. Then in js file

    url: 'userController?action=list',
    success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        var table_data = JSON.parse(data);
        var table = $('#usermaintenancetable').DataTable( {
            data: table_data
}); } });

So here the response is in String format and I have change it to JSON using JSON.parse() then passed this as data to data table.

like image 142
manohar e Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11

manohar e