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How to set additional Class-Path entries in manifest with onejar Maven plugin?

Is there a way to add an arbitrary classpath entry to a JAR file manifest using onejar-maven-plugin?

I found the way to configure maven-jar-plugin to do this, but it appears that there is no such option for onejar-maven-plugin.

This is not done to find additional classes (otherwise why use the onejar plugin, right?), but rather to locate a configuration file that must be external to the JAR.

Is there a direct solution or a workaround for this?

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Gene M Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 16:06

Gene M

2 Answers

Is the usage of the one-jar plugin really required? You can achieve the same goal (packaging in one single jar your application AND all the required dependencies, including transitive ones, AND add configuration for Class-Path AND using a more stable/standard plugin) applying the following approach:

  • Configure the Class-Path entry in your application Jar using the Maven Jar Plugin and the approach you mentioned in the question
  • Use the Maven Assembly Plugin to package one single JAR including dependencies, as explained here, in another stackoverflow question/answer.

An example of one-jar executable file (without using the one-jar plugin) could be as following:

                <!-- your further configuration here -->
                        <!-- your further configuration here -->

If you need to further play with classpath and Maven, I would suggest to also check this question here on stackoverflow.

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A_Di-Matteo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09


Adding arbitrary manifest entries is possible in 1.4.5:


The onejar-maven-plugin project doesn't seem to be in active development anymore, so you might want to switch to other solutions (e.g. maven-assembly-plugin) eventually.

The plugin is not available on Maven Central. Someone else put up a version of it to Maven Central with a different group ID.

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approxiblue Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
