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How to set active class on ng-click?



I have this:

<div class="account-item">
    <div class="account-heading" ng-class="active">
        <h4 class="account-title">
            <a href="#/Messages"  onclick="SetActiveAccountHeading(this);">
            7.    @Translate("SYSTEM_MESSAGES")</a>
    <div class="account-item">
       <div class="account-heading" ng-class="active">
           <h4 class="account-title">
              <a href="#/Info"  onclick="SetActiveAccountHeading(this);">
              7.    @Translate("SYSTEM_INFO")</a>

In angular i have this:

$scope.active = "active";

but how can i change this on click so if user click on menu once it would be active if again click it would be NOT active?

like image 458
None Avatar asked Jun 22 '15 08:06


People also ask

How is NgClass used in active class?

create a function to assign the selected Menu value, this function will assign the $scope. activeMenu a last selected menu item. loop through the menuItems array and create the menu. in the ng-class check last clicked menu item is equal to item in the repeat.

Can we use NG-click and Onclick together?

For a single btn, it's ok to use ng-click or onclick in the ng-app . There is no difference between the two functions. For effective team work, you,d better to have an account with each other. In Angular apps, ng-click is recommended.

What is the difference between Ng-click and Onclick?

Another significant difference between ng-click and onclick is the execution context. Code inside an onclick attribute executes against the global window object, while an expression inside of ng-click executes against a specific scope object, typically the scope object representing the model for the current controller.

Can we call two functions on Ng-click?

When an HTML is clicked, the ng-click directive tells the AngularJS script what to do. In this article, we will learn how to get many/multiple functions to the ng-click directive passed, in just one click. The key is to add a semi-colon (;) or a comma (,). All the functions must be separated by a (;) or a (, ).

2 Answers

Ok say you have multiple menu items and you want to toggle the class according to click,

you can create a array in the controller which represents the menu items as,

$scope.menuItems = ['Home', 'Contact', 'About', 'Other'];

assign the default selected ,menu item

$scope.activeMenu = $scope.menuItems[0];

create a function to assign the selected Menu value, this function will assign the $scope.activeMenu a last selected menu item.

 $scope.setActive = function(menuItem) {
    $scope.activeMenu = menuItem


loop through the menuItems array and create the menu.

in the ng-class check last clicked menu item is equal to item in the repeat.

if click on the menu then call setActive() function in the controller and pass the menu item name as an argument.

<div class="account-item" ng-repeat='item in menuItems'>
   <div class="account-heading" ng-class="{active : activeMenu === item}">
      <h4 class="account-title">
        <a href="#/Messages" ng-click="setActive(item)"> {{ item }}</a>

here is the DEMO

here is a DEMO without ng-repeat

like image 133
Kalhan.Toress Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09


This is what you need.

<div class="account-item" ng-init="active = true">
  <div class="account-heading" ng-class="{'active': active === true}" ng-click="active = !active">
    <h4 class="account-title">
        <a href="#/Messages">7.    @Translate("SYSTEM_MESSAGES")</a>

No other scripting. +1 if it helps.

like image 44
vanntile Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 22:09
