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How to set a value for a span using jQuery



How to set a value for a <span> tag using jQuery…

For example…

Below is my <span> tag:

<span id="submittername"></span> 

In my jQuery code:

jQuery.noConflict();      jQuery(document).ready(function($){      var invitee = $.ajax({         type: "GET",         url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/reports/getInvitee/<?=$submitterid;?>",         async: false     }).responseText;      var invitee_email=eval('(' + invitee + ')');     var submitter_name=$.map(invitee_email.invites, function(j){          return j.submitter;     });              alert(submitter_name); // alerts correctly      $("#submittername").text(submitter_name); //but here it is not working  WHy so?????? }); 
like image 607
useranon Avatar asked Sep 29 '09 10:09


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a span doesn't have a value attribute.

1 Answers

You can do:



$("#submittername").html("testing <b>1 2 3</b>"); 
like image 125
cletus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
