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How to set a favicon for Doxygen output

I am automating documentation generation using Doxygen. How can I specify a favicon (URL icon) for the output?

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Andrew Ring Avatar asked Aug 13 '13 17:08

Andrew Ring

1 Answers

In doxygen one has the possibility to define his own HTML header file, best based on the default HTML header file.

To obtain the default HTML header file, syntax:

doxygen -w html headerFile footerFile styleSheetFile [configFile]

in the headerFile insert in the head part a line like:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$relpath^my_icon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

Note: that the $relpath^ part is necessary especially in case of CREATE_SUBDIRS is set.

Furthermore in the configuration file (Doxyfile) you have to set:

HTML_HEADER            = headerFile
HTML_EXTRA_FILES       += my_icon.ico

Of course the standard restrictions regarding favicons still apply (regarding support by browsers etc.).

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albert Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10
