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How to set a default editable string for raw_input?

People also ask

How do I set the default input in Python?

Approach 1 : Default value in python input() function using 'or' keyeword. In the above code, the input() function inside the int(), simply means the user-provided input is typecasted to integer data type. which means if the user doesn't provide any numerical input data and directly press Enter.

What is default input data type in Python?

Example 3: By default input() function takes the user's input in a string. So, to take the input in the form of int you need to use int() along with the input function.

What is the difference between input () and raw_input ()?

There are two functions that can be used to read data or input from the user in python: raw_input() and input(). The results can be stored into a variable. raw_input() – It reads the input or command and returns a string. input() – Reads the input and returns a python type like list, tuple, int, etc.

You could do:

i = raw_input("Please enter name[Jack]:") or "Jack"

This way, if user just presses return without entering anything, "i" will be assigned "Jack".

Python2.7 get raw_input and set a default value:

Put this in a file called a.py:

import readline
def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''):
   readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
      return raw_input(prompt)

default_value = "an insecticide"
stuff = rlinput("Caffeine is: ", default_value)
print("final answer: " + stuff)

Run the program, it stops and presents the user with this:

el@defiant ~ $ python2.7 a.py
Caffeine is: an insecticide

The cursor is at the end, user presses backspace until 'an insecticide' is gone, types something else, then presses enter:

el@defiant ~ $ python2.7 a.py
Caffeine is: water soluable

Program finishes like this, final answer gets what the user typed:

el@defiant ~ $ python2.7 a.py 
Caffeine is: water soluable
final answer: water soluable

Equivalent to above, but works in Python3:

import readline    
def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''):
   readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
      return input(prompt)

default_value = "an insecticide"
stuff = rlinput("Caffeine is: ", default_value)
print("final answer: " + stuff)

More info on what's going on here:


In dheerosaur's answer If user press Enter to select default value in reality it wont be saved as python considers it as '' string so Extending a bit on what dheerosaur.

default = "Jack"
user_input = raw_input("Please enter name: %s"%default + chr(8)*4)
if not user_input:
    user_input = default

Fyi .. The ASCII value of backspace is 08

I only add this because you should write a simple function for reuse. Here is the one I wrote:

def default_input( message, defaultVal ):
    if defaultVal:
        return raw_input( "%s [%s]:" % (message,defaultVal) ) or defaultVal
        return raw_input( "%s " % (message) )

On platforms with readline, you can use the method described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2533142/1090657

On Windows, you can use the msvcrt module:

from msvcrt import getch, putch

def putstr(str):
    for c in str:

def input(prompt, default=None):
    if default is None:
        data = []
        data = list(default)
    while True:
        c = getch()
        if c in '\r\n':
        elif c == '\003': # Ctrl-C
            raise KeyboardInterrupt
        elif c == '\b': # Backspace
            if data:
                putstr('\b \b') # Backspace and wipe the character cell
        elif c in '\0\xe0': # Special keys
    return ''.join(data)

Note that arrows keys don't work for the windows version, when it's used, nothing will happen.