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How to set a date attribute to a current date in php using symfony 3

i have a problem setting a datetime attribute to the current date , if i force it to current timestamp i get a " Call to a member function format() on string" ERROR

**here are my getter and setter with some modifications**
public function getDateajout()
    return $this->dateajout;

public function setDateajout($dateajout)

    $this->dateajout =$dateajout;

like image 392
petrucci Avatar asked Nov 27 '16 04:11


1 Answers

You could return a \DateTime object as example:

 * @return \DateTime
public function getDateajout()
    return new \DateTime('now', (new \DateTimeZone('Africa/Tunis'));

Hope this help

like image 193
Matteo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
