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How to serve static files? (css)





In Camping, how's it best to serve static files, such as css?

Right now I have

class Style < R '/cards.css'
    def get
         @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/css"

Is there a smarter way involving Rack?

like image 476
Colonel Panic Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 21:10

Colonel Panic

People also ask

How do I serve a static file in KOA?

Serving Files With koa-static To serve files just pass the koa-static middleware to the koa's middleware stack with app. use() .

How static files are served in node?

In your node application, you can use node-static module to serve static resources. The node-static module is an HTTP static-file server module with built-in caching. First of all, install node-static module using NPM as below. After installing node-static module, you can create static file server in Node.

2 Answers

Camping's current (remember to install the latest version from RubyGems!) stance on static files is that the server should be responsible for serving static files.

If you use the camping-command then the public/-directory should automatically be served for you. Simply move cards.css into public/cards.css and localhost:3301/cards.css should return the file.

In production you should configure Apache/Nginx/whatever to serve files directly from the public/-directory.

If you can't configure Apache/Nginx (e.g. in Heroku) you can write a custom config.ru like this:

# Your Camping app:
app = MyApp
# Static files:
files = Rack::File.new('public')

# First try the static files, then "fallback" to the app 
run Rack::Cascade.new([files, app], [405, 404, 403])

(This is what Camping::Server does internally: https://github.com/camping/camping/blob/5201b49b753fe29dc3d2e96405d724bcaa7ad7d4/lib/camping/server.rb#L151)

For small files, you can store them in the DATA-block of your app.rb: https://github.com/camping/camping/blob/5201b49b753fe29dc3d2e96405d724bcaa7ad7d4/test/app_file.rb#L37

This is also useful if you want to keep everything inside one file.

Camping.goes :Foo


@@ /cards.css

Camping will use the file extension to set the correct Content-Type.

Also, the latest version of Camping has a serve-method which handles the Content-Type for you. You could simplify your controller to this:

class Style < R '/style.css'
  def get
    serve "cards.css", File.read("cards.css")

I'll have to apologize for the bad documentation. For now you

like image 184
Magnus Holm Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Magnus Holm

Here's a suggestion originally by whytheluckystiff:

class Static < R '/static/(.+)'
    '.html' => 'text/html',
    '.css'  => 'text/css',
    '.js'   => 'text/javascript',
    '.jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
    '.gif'  => 'image/gif'
  PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(@__FILE__@))
  def get(path)
    @headers['Content-Type'] = MIME_TYPES[path[/\.\w+$/, 0]] || "text/plain" 
    unless path.include? ".." # prevent directory traversal attacks
      @headers['X-Sendfile'] = "#{PATH}/static/#{path}" 
      @status = "403" 
      "403 - Invalid path" 

PS- Actually, you can find some other great ideas here, like file uploads, sessions, etc.

like image 26
Josh Voigts Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09

Josh Voigts