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How to serialize non-static child class of static class

I want to serialize a pretty ordinary class, but the catch is it's nested in a static class like this:

public static class StaticClass
    public class SomeType

This code:

StaticClass.SomeType obj = new StaticClass.SomeType();
XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(obj));

Produces this error:

StaticClass.SomeType cannot be serialized. Static types cannot be used as parameters or return types.

That error seems completely irrelevant; StaticClass.SomeType is not a static type.

Is there a way around this? Am I wrong to think this error is dumb?

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tenfour Avatar asked Dec 18 '10 19:12


People also ask

Can you serialize a static class?

In Java, serialization is a concept using which we can write the state of an object into a byte stream so that we can transfer it over the network (using technologies like JPA and RMI). But, static variables belong to class therefore, you cannot serialize static variables in Java.

How do I make my child class non Serializable in Java?

In order to prevent subclass from serialization we need to implement writeObject() and readObject() methods which are executed by JVM during serialization and deserialization also NotSerializableException is made to be thrown from these methods.

Can we serialize child class in Java?

Yes. If a parent implements Serializable then any child classes are also Serializable .

Can we serialize static class in C#?

There are never any instances of static classes: they are both abstract and sealed in the IL, so the CLR will prevent any instances being created. Therefore there is nothing to serialize. Static fields are never serialized, and that's the only sort of state that a static class can have.

1 Answers

As a pragmatic workaround - don't mark the nesting type static:

public class ContainerClass
    private ContainerClass() { // hide the public ctor
        throw new InvalidOperationException("no you don't");

    public class SomeType
like image 82
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Marc Gravell