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How to separate changed files from untracked files in vscode?

I am checking out vscode to see if it does anything better than other options out there. I have the native version control and GitLens installed. I am trying to figure out how to work with version control and one thing has been puzzling. Both GitLens and native source control list both files that are not in the repository and the files that have changed since the last commit in the same list. Is there any way to group these files separately, the way git status does in either of the interfaces?

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Mad Wombat Avatar asked Sep 19 '18 16:09

Mad Wombat

People also ask

Why in VS code it showing untracked?

The 'U' means the files are 'untracked', and the 'M' means the files have been 'modified'. You can use the commands: git add -A - To add all the files to the staging area. git commit -m 'message' - To create a 'snapshot' of the files on the staging area.

2 Answers

VSCode 1.40 (Oct. 2019) seems to provide just that:

Git: Improved untracked files management

You can now manage untracked files separately by using the Git: Untracked Changes setting.

  • Choose the separate option, if you'd like to see untracked files in a separate group in the Source Control view.
  • Choose hidden if you'd like to never see them.

The default commit action will adjust itself to this setting and will only include untracked changes in a commit when using the mixed setting value.


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VonC Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


As of VS Code 1.28, I do not think you can customize the grouping of changed files in the source control list

This is currently tracked by this issue

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Matt Bierner Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Matt Bierner