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How to send touch events to superview in iOS?

I am doing an iPad app. How do I send touch events to its superview?

I am adding a view which is always some other activity. On that I am adding scrollview to half the screen and in the other half I add another view. It all works fine, now I want to add a button and a small description view that will appear when button is tapped and disappear again when button is tapped again. In order to implement this I took a view which covers the entire view and made its back ground color clear. I place this button and description view into this view but it wont scroll because of transparent view.

I want to make this transparent view ignore its events.

Can this be done?

like image 423
Shankar BS Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 01:11

Shankar BS

1 Answers

Set the view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO. This lets all touches through to the view behind it.

You can set it in the interface builder/storyboards in the attributes inspector, or in code:

yourView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

For when you have a transparent view with a button in it:

Make a subclass of that view and override the pointInside method. The way I do it, is to give the button's frame to the subclass as a property, to check for in the pointInside method:

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    BOOL pointInside = NO;
    // Check if the touch is in the button's frame
    if (CGRectContainsPoint(_buttonFrame, point)) pointInside = YES;

    return pointInside;

Hope it helps!

like image 116
Thermometer Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 00:12
