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How to send SNS notification after cloud formation is completed?


People also ask

How do you get SNS topic Arn in CloudFormation?

In your CloudFormation template, if you simply reference your SNS topic, then you'll get the ARN. So you can use that as input to your nested CloudFormation template.

What is SNS topic name?

An Amazon SNS topic is a logical access point that acts as a communication channel. A topic lets you group multiple endpoints (such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, or an email address).

What is the use of SNS in AWS?

Amazon SNS enables you to send notifications directly to your customers. Amazon SNS supports SMS text messaging to over 200 countries, mobile push notifications to Amazon, Android, Apple, Baidu, and Microsoft devices, and also email notifications.

Is it possible to send a SNS notification after the CFT completion in AWS ? Is there any way to get the progress of the launching CFT in AWS.