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How to send notifications to the Action Center?

I have only found this, which seems not to be related to the Action Center.

I guess there is a simple way to send a notification with PowerShell, but I seem incapable to find it.

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GWorking Avatar asked Aug 10 '15 08:08


1 Answers

The notifications that show up in the action center tend to be Toast Notifications that the user didn't click away while they were on screen.

e.g. I insert a blank dvd, get a toast asking what I want to do with it but don't click it, it then shows up in the list of notifications in the Action Center.

I'm not sure of a way to bypass the toast step.

So what you probably want to have are Toasts (maybe silent?) which will wind up in the action center.

I wrote a powershell module for displaying these Toasts, BurntToast (or check out the GitHub repo for instructions and examples, etc.)

Feel free to use the module as is, or rip it apart to figure out how it works and do your own implementation. There are plenty of examples and documentation of how to do this in C# and/or modern applications too, now that you know the keyword to search for.

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Windos Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
