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How to send HTTPS posts using php


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How to send POST request with PHP?

We can send the POST request in PHP by using the functions like http_build_query() , stream_context_create() and file_get_contents() functions without using the CURL. We can use the http_build_query() function to create query parameters to send in the POST request.

How to create request in PHP?

PHP GET request php $name = $_GET['name']; if ($name == null) { $name = 'guest'; } $message = $_GET['message']; if ($message == null) { $message = 'hello there'; } echo "$name says: $message"; The example retrieves the name and message parameters from the $_GET variable. We start the server.

I'm setting up a custom e-commerce solution, and the payment system I'm using requires me to send HTTPS POSTS.

How can I do this using php (and CURL?), is it any different from sending http posts?


Thanks for your replies, they've been very useful. I assume I will need to purchase an SSL certificate for this to work, and I will obviously do this for the final site, but is there any way for me to test this without buying one?

Thanks, Nico