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How to send email to non-verified email address using AWS SES

I am developing PHP application that, after sign-up, sends an activation mail to the registered email address using Amazon SES (Simple Email Service).

But SES is only sending emails to verified users.

How can I send the activation link to any non-verified email address, too?

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user3228848 Avatar asked Mar 11 '16 17:03


People also ask

Can I use AWS SES to send email?

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective email service built on the reliable and scalable infrastructure that Amazon.com developed to serve its own customer base. With Amazon SES, you can send transactional email, marketing messages, or any other type of high-quality content to your customers.

How do I verify my AWS SES email address?

In the Amazon SES console, under Identity Management, choose Email Addresses. In the list of email addresses, locate the email address you're verifying. If the email address was verified, the value in the Status column is "verified".

How can recipients opt out of receiving email from you AWS SES?

Make it easy for your recipients to unsubscribe.Include an easy-to-spot opt-out link in every bulk email, and use the list-unsubscribe header for easy integration with ISPs who support it. If a customer does not want the mail, you should not send it to them.

1 Answers

While running in sandbox mode you can only send to verified users - once your account has been activated, you can send to anyone.

Getting out of the sandbox:


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E.J. Brennan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

E.J. Brennan