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How to send cookies to socket.io client from server?

On my client i do this:

  useEffect(() => {
    socket.emit('login', myLoginCode)
  }, [])

On server side previosly i did this:

app.get('login', (req, res) => {
      const cookieProtected = {
        maxAge: 946080000000,
        httpOnly: true,
        secure: true,
        sameSite: true
      res.cookie('id', login, cookieProtected)
      res.cookie('session', encryptSession, cookieProtected)
      res.cookie('logged', 'true', {
        maxAge: 946080000000,
        secure: true,
        sameSite: true

But how can i do the same with socket?

  socket.on('login', loginCode => {
     // How to to place cookies in user browser from here?

Maybe there is a way to send headers with socket.emit?

like image 669
ZiiMakc Avatar asked Nov 20 '18 22:11


1 Answers

There us no way to do it without rewriting IO library, so only option is to set cookies on client side.

Now i just verify user on server and send client cookies like an object, then on client i do like this:

document.cookie =
    'id=' +
    loginData.id +
    '; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT; secure; samesite=strict; path=/'
like image 160
ZiiMakc Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
