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How to send an email with Ansible

I'm trying to send an email using Ansible, but I can't understand how it works as I don't know how to provide user and password for such service (not specified in the documentation).

Both my machine and the email server are in the same network, but I need to be authenticated in order to send the email.

This is my yml file:

- name: Testing email
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Send email
      local_action: mail
        subject="Ansible test mail"
        body="Testing email"

And this is the related content of the hosts' file:

localhost ansible_connection=local

Any idea about how should I configure it? Thanks in advance.

like image 593
jgg Avatar asked Jul 02 '14 11:07


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1 Answers

Looking at the source code for the mail module ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/d1effecb2ef073e478c67a7ca39cf56708a66a48/library/notification/mail ) it doesn't look like it supports SMTP authentication.

It shouldn't be too hard to add support for it however. It would require adding the username and password parameters to the module, detecting if they've both been supplied, and if so, calling smtp.login() with those parameters.

In fact, it looks like there's two pull requests to do exactly that at the moment here


and here


So support will most likely be added in dev soon.

like image 148
Woodham Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10
