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How to Select-String multiline?

I am trying to Select-String on a text that is on multiple lines.


 "This is line1
 <Test>Testing Line 2</Test>
 <Test>Testing Line 3</Test>"

I want to be able to select all 3 lines in Select-String. However, it is only selecting the first line when I do Select-String -Pattern "Line1". How can I extract all 3 lines together?

Select-String -Pattern "Line1"
like image 707
vanillacoke9191 Avatar asked Mar 27 '19 09:03


1 Answers

Select-String operates on its input objects individually, and if you either pass a file path directly to it (via -Path or -LiteralPath) or you pipe output from Get-Content, matching is performed on each line.

Therefore, pass your input as a single, multiline string, which, if it comes from a file, is most easily achieved with Get-Content -Raw (PSv3+):

Get-Content -Raw file.txt | Select-String -Pattern Line1

Note that this means that if the pattern matches, the file's entire content is output, accessible via the output object's .Line property.

By contrast, if you want to retain per-line matching but also capture a fixed number of surrounding lines, use the -Context parameter.

Get-Content file.txt | Select-String -Pattern Line1 -Context 0, 2

Ansgar Wiechers' helpful answer shows how to extract all the lines from the result.

like image 191
mklement0 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
