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How to select from only one table in jOOQ using a query with a join?





I have the following query in jOOQ:


This query returns to me a Record with all columns from PERSON and ENDUSER, but I only want the columns from PERSON (that's why I put .from(PERSON) and not .from(PERSON, ENDUSER)). I know it doesn't matter that much but I don't want unnecessary fields to be returned.

like image 665
islon Avatar asked Dec 28 '12 19:12


1 Answers

Lukas's answer was exactly what I was looking for. You can also use the into() method to get a strongly typed response object back for only the table you care about (instead of the generic Record type):

PersonRecord record = factory()
like image 129
Eric Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
