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how to select from collection with guid id?

I've got this collection with guid id. When i use Azure Query Explorer with collection selected in the combo box above it's ok:


But when i try to select it like that (both from query exlorer and from c# code):

SELECT * FROM 357fa002-dc7d-4ede-935a-6a0c80cf9239 c

I get:

Syntax error, invalid numeric value token '357fa002'.

I've tried to put it in quotation marks (both single and double) around guid but with no success..

Microsoft docs state that this collection id doesn't break any rules: https://learn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/azure/documentdb/documentdb-create-collection

Collection names must be between 1 and 255 characters, and cannot contain / \ # ? or a trailing space

How can i query this collection using it's id?

like image 358
Krzysztof Avatar asked Jan 10 '17 12:01


People also ask

Can I use GUID as primary key?

GUIDs can be considered as global primary keys. Local primary keys are used to uniquely identify records within a table. On the other hand, GUIDs can be used to uniquely identify records across tables, databases, and servers.

How to declare GUID variable in SQL?

DECLARE @guid uniqueidentifier = NEWID(); SELECT @guid as 'GUID'; Here we created a variable named guid of data type uniqueidentifier. To generate a unique identifier, we need to assign a default method of creating it, and for that we have used the NEWID function which generates and returns a RFC4122 compliant GUID.

How to insert value GUID in SQL?

GUIDs can be added to any table. If the table you want to edit participates in replication or offline mapping or contains a GUID, you must insert a unique value to the global ID or GUID column when you insert a new record to the table using SQL. To do this, you can use the newid() function.

What is a GUID in SQL?

The globally unique identifier (GUID) data type in SQL Server is represented by the uniqueidentifier data type, which stores a 16-byte binary value. A GUID is a binary number, and its main use is as an identifier that must be unique in a network that has many computers at many sites.

Video Answer

3 Answers

According to your description, I checked the official document about FROM clause of DocumentDB SQL Syntax. Here is the syntax from the above document:

FROM <from_specification>  

<from_specification> ::=   
        <from_source> {[ JOIN <from_source>][,...n]}  

<from_source> ::=   
          <collection_expression> [[AS] input_alias]  
        | input_alias IN <collection_expression>  

<collection_expression> ::=   
     | collection_name  
     | input_alias  
     | <collection_expression> '.' property_name  
     | <collection_expression> '[' "property_name" | array_index ']' 

For <collection_expression>, we could specify the name of the collection currently connected to.

Based on your scenario, I tried it on my side and reproduced this issue. Also, I have tested this issue and found that the input_alias or collection_name could only made up of numbers and letters and the first must be a letter. Upon my test, I assumed that you couldn't achieve this purpose up to now. I would report this issue and you could add your feedback here.


For the client libarary Microsoft Azure DocumentDB for C#, we could leverage Fiddler to capture the request when invoking DocumentClient.CreateDocumentQuery without specifying the sqlExpression parameter as follows:

var items =
            x =>
                x.Date >= filter.From.Date
                && x.Date <= filter.To.Date

Note: Without the Where clause, the request body would be empty. At this point, the query equals to "SELECT * FROM root".

like image 94
Bruce Chen Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Bruce Chen

In DocumentDB, queries are scoped to a single collection (not a database like in relational databases). In the REST API, queries are POST requests against the collection URI /dbs/<my-db>/colls/<my0coll>.

In the Azure portal's Query Explorer, you have to select the database/collection in the dropdown list, then query it.

like image 2
Aravind Krishna R. Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Aravind Krishna R.

Bruce MSFT solved the puzzle. SELECT * FROM 357fa002-dc7d-4ede-935a-6a0c80cf9239 c can be executed like this:

var collectionId = "357fa002-dc7d-4ede-935a-6a0c80cf9239"
var uri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, collectionId);
var sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM root c", attributeName);
var elements = client.CreateDocumentQuery(uri, sql).ToList();


like image 1
Krzysztof Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10
