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How to select first child?

How do I select the first div in these divs (the one with id=div1) using first child selectors?

<div class="alldivs">    <div class="onediv" id="div1"> 1 This one </div>    <div class="onediv" id="div2"> 2 </div>    <div class="onediv" id="div3"> 3 </div> </div> 
like image 759
sameold Avatar asked May 02 '11 00:05


People also ask

How do you select the first child of a parent in CSS?

The :first-child selector is used to select the specified selector, only if it is the first child of its parent.

How do you choose not your first child?

Use the :not(selector) Selector Not to Select the First Child in CSS. We can use the :not(selector) selector to select every other element that is not the selected element. So, we can use the selector not to select the first child in CSS. We can use :first-child as the selector in the :not(selector) selector.

How do I choose an immediate child?

The child combinator ( > ) is placed between two CSS selectors. It matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are the direct children of elements matched by the first. Elements matched by the second selector must be the immediate children of the elements matched by the first selector.

2 Answers

In plain JavaScript you would use something like:

// Single document.querySelector(".onediv").classList.add("red");   // Multiple (deeply nested) document.querySelectorAll(".onediv:first-child").forEach(EL => EL.classList.add("red")); 

Or by Parent Element using Element.firstElementChild:

// Single Parent  document.querySelector(".alldivs").firstElementChild.classList.add("red");  // Multiple parents document.querySelector(".alldivs").forEach(EL => EL.firstElementChild.classList.add("red")); 

jQuery get first child

Use: $(".onediv").eq(0)

Other examples of selectors and methods targeting the first LI inside an UL:

Syntax Type Example
.eq() Method $("li").eq(0)
.first() Method $("li").first()
:eq() Selector $("li:eq(0)")
:first Selector $("li:first")
:first-child Selector $("li:first-child")
:lt() Selector $("li:lt(1)")
:nth-child() Selector $("li:nth-child(1)")
.slice() Method $("li").slice(0,1)

There are some slight differences in how they operate regarding depth. Play with the below demo examples:

$("select").on("change", function() {   $("li").removeClass("red");   new Function(`return (${this.value})`)(); }).trigger("change");
.red {color: red;} option[disabled] {font-size: 1.4em; color: blue;}
<select>   <option disabled>jQuery examples:</option>    <option>$("li").eq(0).addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li:eq(0)").addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li").first().addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li:first").addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li:first-child").addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li:lt(1)").addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li:nth-child(1)").addClass("red")</option>   <option>$("li").slice(0,1).addClass("red")</option>    <option disabled>JavaScript examples:</option>    <option>document.querySelector("li").classList.add("red")</option>   <option>document.querySelectorAll("li:first-child").forEach(EL => EL.classList.add("red"))</option>    <option disabled>Mixed jQuery + JavaScript</option>    <option>$("li")[0].classList.add("red")</option> </select>  <ul>   <li>1</li>   <li>2     <ul>       <li>2.1</li>       <li>2.2</li>     </ul>   </li>   <li>3</li> </ul>  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>

you can also use [i] to get the JS Element by index out of the jQuery elements collection like eg:


but now that you have the native JS Element representation you have to use JavaScript methods eg:

$("li")[0].classList.add("active"); // Adds class "active" to the first LI in the DOM 

or you can (don't - it's bad design) wrap it back into a jQuery object

$( $("li")[0] ).addClass("active"); // Don't! Use .eq() instead 
like image 50
Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Roko C. Buljan

$('div.alldivs :first-child'); 

Or you can just refer to the id directly:


As suggested, you might be better of using the child selector:

$('div.alldivs > div:first-child') 

If you dont have to use first-child, you could use :first as also suggested, or $('div.alldivs').children(0).

like image 35
Frederik Wordenskjold Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Frederik Wordenskjold