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How to Select Columns in Editors (Atom,Notepad++, Kate, VIM, Sublime, Textpad,etc) and IDEs (NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio, etc) [closed]




  • Notepad++, Visual Studio, and some others: Alt + drag.
  • vim: Ctrl + v or (bizarrely enough) Quad-click-drag. In windows: Ctrl + Q (since Ctrl + V is the standard for paste)

In Kate toggle Ctrl + shift + B .

In Netbeans 7.1 can select columns (Rectangular Selection) with Ctrl + shift + R . There is also a button Toggle Rectangular Selection Button in the code editor available.

This is how rectangular selections look like: Screenshot Rectangular Selection

Eclipse used to need a column mode plugin to be able to select a rectangular selection.

column mode

Since Eclipse 3.5, you just need to type Alt+Shift+A: see its News and Noteworthy section. (On OS X it's Option-Command-A.)

block (aka column or rectangular) selection mode

Or activate the 'Editor Presentation' action set ( Window > Customize Perspective menu) to get a tool bar button for toggling the block selection mode.

AmbroseChapel adds in the comments:

This is a toggle.

Columnar selection is a mode you enter and leave: in other words, Eclipse switches into a mode where all mouse selections have to be columnar and you stay in that mode until you switch back (by using the same command again).
It's not like other editors where columnar selections are enabled only while certain keys are down.

In vim column visual mode is Ctrl + v. If that is what you meant?