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How to select a record if the query returns one row, or select no record if the query returns more rows?




I require to select a row if there is only one row exists, if there are more rows, it should select 0 rows.

like image 590
Stalin Gino Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 09:04

Stalin Gino

1 Answers

If you're using PL/SQL, then selecting the column using select-into will throw a too_many_rows exception if there's more than one row returned:

  var table.column%type;
  select column
  into   var
  from   table
  where  ...;

If you want to do this just using SQL, then you can do something like:

select *
  (select s.*, count(*) over () c
    (select *
     from table
     where ...
     and   rownum <= 2
    ) s
where c = 1


As DazzaL says in the comments, the reason for the rownum <= 2 restriction is to short-circuit the query if there's more than 2 rows in the result set. This can give significant performance benefits if the dataset is large.

like image 173
Chris Saxon Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Chris Saxon