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How to see the repository implementation generated by Spring Data MongoDB?

When is the implementation for repositories generated by Spring Data? At compile time or runtime? Can I see the implementation repository implementation generated by Spring Data?

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xabhi Avatar asked May 09 '14 11:05


People also ask

How are spring data repositories actually implemented?

In the repository interfaces, we can add the methods like findByCustomerNameAndPhone() (assuming customerName and phone are fields in the domain object). Then, Spring provides the implementation by implementing the above repository interface methods at runtime (during the application run).

What is Spring data JPA repository?

Conclusion. JPA Repository is mainly used for managing the data in a Spring Boot Application. We all know that Spring is considered to be a very famous framework of Java. We mainly use this Spring Boot to create the Spring-based stand-alone and production-based applications with a very minimal amount of effort.

What is repository in MongoDB?

MongoRepository is an interface provided by Spring Data in the package org. springframework. data. mongodb.

Which interface provides MongoDB related operations in spring data?

MongoDB and Spring Boot interact using the MongoTemplate class and MongoRepository interface.

1 Answers


No, for a very simple reason: there's no code generation going on. The implementation is based on proxies and a method interceptor delegating the call executions to the right places.


Effectively, a method execution can be backed by 3 types of code:

  1. The store specific implementation of CrudRepository. Have a look for types named Simple(Jpa|Mongo|Neo4|…)Repository (see the JPA specific one here). They have "real" implementations for all of the methods in CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository.

  2. Query methods are effectively executed by QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor.doInvoke(…) (see here). It's basically a 3-step-process to find the delegation target and invoke it. The actual execution is done in classes named (Jpa|Mongo|Neo4j…)QueryExecution (see this one for example).

  3. Custom implementation code is called directly, also from QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor.

The only thing left is the query derivation, which consists of two major parts: method name parsing and query creation. For the former, have a look at PartTree. It takes a method name and a base type and will return you a parsed AST-like structure or throw an exception if it fails to resolve properties or the like.

The latter is implemented in classes named PartTree(Jpa|Mongo|Neo4j|…)Query and delegates to additional components for actually creating the store specific query. E.g. for JPA the interesting bits are probably in JpaQueryCreator.PredicateBuilder.build() (see here).

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Oliver Drotbohm Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Oliver Drotbohm