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How to search all the files in a project in Eclipse



According to a book I have ("Eclipse for Minor Geniuses" or something like that), you can search a set of files by selecting them and then choosing Search | Files.

This does not work for me, even when I have the "Selected Resources" radio button selected. Instead, it searches through every file in the Package Explorer, which contains several projects, including the Android APIDemo (massive).

Is there a way to select all the files in a project (other than clicking them all in turn) and then limiting the Search operation to those files only?

like image 215
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 05:12

B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven

1 Answers

When I select just the project node in the package tree and choose the "Selected Resources" radio button, it searches all the files of the project in my version of Eclipse.

You can also select an arbitrary file in a project, and choose "Enclosing project".

like image 181
JB Nizet Avatar answered May 21 '23 00:05

JB Nizet