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How to scope a ChangeNotifier to some routes using Provider?



I have a ChangeNotifier, and I would like to share it between multiple routes but not all routes:

enter image description here

Page1 is my first page. I need share data of ChangeNotifierProvider with Page2, Page3 and Page only and on enter Page1 call dispose of my ChangeNotifierProvider.

How can I do this using provider?

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Adejair Júnior Avatar asked Sep 16 '19 16:09

Adejair Júnior

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Provider<String>(create: (context) => 'Hello Flutter'), This time Flutter will look for a String or text; so we've returned a text: “Hello Flutter”. Once we've passed this generic value we can try to access that value anywhere, in the widget tree. However, that value must be provided there inside the build method.

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1 Answers

To do so, the easiest solution is to have one provider per route, such that instead of:

  builder: (_) => SomeValue(),
  child: MaterialApp(),

you have:

final value = SomeValue();

  routes: {
    '/foo': (_) => Provider.value(value: value, child: Foo()),
    '/bar': (_) => Provider.value(value: value, child: Bar()),
    '/cannot-access-provider': (_) => CannotAccessProvider(),

It is, on the other hand, not possible to have your model "automatically disposed".

provider is not able in such a situation to know that it is safe to dispose of the object.

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Rémi Rousselet Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Rémi Rousselet