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How to schedule hundreds of thousands of tasks?



We have hundreds of thousands of tasks that need to be run at a variety of arbitrary intervals, some every hour, some every day, and so on. The tasks are resource intensive and need to be distributed across many machines.

Right now tasks are stored in a database with an "execute at this time" timestamp. To find tasks that need to be executed, we query the database for jobs that are due to be executed, then update the timestamps when the task is complete. Naturally this leads to a substantial write load on the database.

As far as I can tell, we are looking for something to release tasks into a queue at a set interval. (Workers could then request tasks from that queue.)

What is the best way to schedule recurring tasks at scale?

For what it's worth we're largely using Python, although we have no problems using components (RabbitMQ?) written in other languages.

UPDATE: Right now we have about 350,000 tasks that run every half hour or so, with some variation. 350,000 tasks * 48 times per day is 16,800,000 tasks executed per day.

UPDATE 2: There are no dependencies. The tasks do not have to be executed in order and do not rely on previous results.

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wehriam Avatar asked Mar 16 '10 21:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

Since ACID isn't needed and you're okay with tasks potentially running twice, I wouldn't keep the timestamps in the database at all. For each task, create a list of [timestamp_of_next_run, task_id] and use a min-heap to store all of the lists. Python's heapq module can maintain the heap for you. You'll be able to very efficiently pop off the task with the soonest timestamp. When you need to run a task, use its task_id to look up in the database what the task needs to do. When a task completes, update the timestamp and put it back into the heap. (Just be careful not to change an item that's currently in the heap, as that will break the heap properties).

Use the database only to store information that you will still care about after a crash and reboot. If you won't need the information after a reboot, don't spend the time writing to disk. You will still have a lot of database read operations to load the information about a task that needs to run, but a read is much cheaper than a write.

If you don't have enough RAM to store all of the tasks in memory at the same time, you could go with a hybrid setup where you keep the tasks for the next 24 hours (for example) in RAM and everything else stays in the database. Alternately, you could rewrite the code in C or C++, which are less memory hungry.

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Daniel Stutzbach Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Daniel Stutzbach

If you don't want a database, you could store just the next run timestamp and task id in memory. You could store the properties for each task in a file named [task_id].txt. You would need a data structure to store all the tasks, sorted by timestamp in memory, an AVL tree seems like it would work, here's a simple one for python: http://bjourne.blogspot.com/2006/11/avl-tree-in-python.html. Hopefully Linux (I assume that's what you are running on) could handle millions of files in a directory, otherwise you might need to hash on the task id to get a sub folder).

Your master server would just need to run a loop, popping off tasks out of the AVL tree until the next task's timestamp is in the future. Then you could sleep for a few seconds and start checking again. Whenever a task runs, you would update the next run timestamp in the task file and re-insert it into the AVL tree.

When the master server reboots, there would be the overhead of reloading all tasks id and next run timestamp back into memory, so that might be painful with millions of files. Maybe you just have one giant file and give each task 1K space in the file for properties and next run timestamp and then use [task_id] * 1K to get to the right offset for the task properties.

If you are willing to use a database, I am confident MySQL could handle whatever you throw at it given the conditions you describe, assuming you have 4GB+ RAM and several hard drives in RAID 0+1 on your master server.

Finally, if you really want to get complicated, Hadoop might work too: http://hadoop.apache.org/

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jjxtra Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10
