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How to scale a NodeJS stateful application

I am currently working on a web-based MMORPG game and would like to setup an auto-scaling strategy based on Docker and DigitalOcean droplets.

However, I am wondering how I could manage to do so:

My game server would have to be splittable across different Docker containers BUT every game server instance should act as if it was only one gigantic game server. That means that every modification happening in one (character moving) should also be mirrored in every other game server.

I am trying to get this to work (at least conceptually) but can't find a way to synchronize all my instances properly. Should I use a master only broadcasting events or is there an alternative?

I was wondering the same thing about my MySQL database: since every game server would have to read/write from/to the db, how would I make it scale properly as the game gets bigger and bigger? The best solution I could think of was to keep the database on a single server which would be very powerful.

I understand that this could be easy if all game servers didn't have to "share" their state but this is primarily thought so that I can scale quickly in case of a sudden spike of activity.

(There will be different "global" game servers like A, B, C... but each of those global game servers should be, behind the scenes, composed of 1-X docker containers running the "real" game server so that the "global" game server is only a concept)

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Telokis Avatar asked May 15 '17 15:05


People also ask

Does NodeJS scale well?

Where Node. js really shines is in building fast, scalable network applications, as it's capable of handling a huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, which equates to high scalability.

Is node JS easy to scale?

js it's really easy to scale the application horizontally by deploying many instances of your project to the different servers. You can also scale your system vertically, by using a cluster built-in module that will fork the application process to all the CPU cores you have.

What makes node JS scalable?

it is scalable due to load balancing. Essentially you can have multiple jobs for node to process and it can handle it with no significant burden. This makes it scalable.

1 Answers

The problem you state is too generic and it's difficult to give a concrete response. However let me be reckless and give you some general-purpose scaling advices:

  • Remove counters from databases. Instead primary keys that are auto-incremented IDs, try to assign random UUIDs.

  • Change data that must be validated against a central point by data that is self contained. For example, for authentication, instead of having the User Credentials in a DB, use JSON Web Tokens that can be verified by any host.

  • Use techniques such as Consistent Hashing to balance the load without need of load balancers. Of course use hashing functions that distribute well, to avoid/minimize collisions.

The above advices are basically about changing the design to migrate from stateful to stateless in as much as aspects as you can. If you anyway need to provide stateful parts, try to guess which entities will have more chance to share stateful data and allocate them in the same (or nearly server). For example, if there are cities in your game, try to allocate in the same server the users that are in the same city, since they are more willing to interact between them (and share stateful data) than users that are in different cities.

Of course if the city is too big and it's very crowded, you will probably need to partition the city in more servers to avoid overloading the server.

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Mario Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
